Monday, June 20, 2011

OK I'm back

Yeah, I've been missing for a couple months, I know... The truth is, I got a job! Yay for my bank account, boo for my artwork (I have to wake up at 6 am now). That started in April. Then Dainty and I decided to have an art show, which got me to frantically make a bunch of drawings, and I didn't leave any time to go scan them (they're too big for my regular scanner), so you'll have to wait till the art show comes down to see them. In summary: I made a bunch of crap, but I can't show it to you yet, I swear I'm not lying. BUT: the other day, Alex and I decided we should act like artists and walk down to The Walters to draw sculptures. So here's my first real sketch in months (I brought colored pencils):

I should probably do this more. I was super frustrated and angry about the statue's hair for the first 20 minutes, and then I calmed down and got really into it. Then we tried to find faberge eggs, and gave up after a few minutes because we got hungry.

Note: my art show comes down in 10 days, at which point I will be posting 7 (goodness me) finished drawings. Then maybe back to sketches.

1 comment:

  1. LIKE :)

    My attempt of being an artist this week started with a purchase of a graph sketchbook from Utrecht. With my discount card, my road to success was only five dollars and ninety cents...ooohhh yeeeaah...
